For centuries, head massage has played an essential part in Ayurvedic medicine, widely practiced throughout India and some parts of Asia. In India, it is still a regular aspect of daily life, and head massage is frequently practiced in every salon. However, this ancient art is also highly practical and relevant to the Western world.
Head Massages not only relax but also nourishes the hair from the root. Ayurveda head massage is playing a vital role in relaxing the nervous system and brain, it creates a relaxed feeling for the person. In Ayurveda, Ksheerabala Thaila is used for the head massage. Usually, salons in India are providing pressure point head massage using coconut oil, Navarathna thel, etc.
Head Massage combines energy-based pressure-point techniques with more traditional massage strokes such as rubbing and stroking, thus working on the body’s energy system as well as its physical structure. In addition to focusing on the head, it also targets the upper back, shoulders, and neck area – significant place s in the body where we store tension.
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Body massage and Spa in Koramangala
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Body Massage and Spa in Indiranagar